About Us

Mission Statement:

Our mission is to support and empower the individual and community by creating spaces for communion, service, and social justice. We do this by alleviating the impacts of material, emotional, and spiritual poverty through direct service, education, community building, fostering dialogue and by providing witness, sanctuary, and support. Our vision is to create engaged citizen leaders who will honor the complexities of the human spirit and work to create just and sustainable communities.

Our Guiding Principles: The Five E’s of Waysmeet!

  • Education: Offering opportunities to engage with and learn from multiple religious, spiritual, and cultural traditions. We champion collaborative and experiential learning through a variety of mediums including: Drum Circles, Sacred Dance Circles, concerts, reading groups, lectures, trainings…and the list goes on!
  • Experience: Creating opportunities to be of service and to nurture and develop leadership skills through direct service opportunities, volunteer opportunities, program development, and internships. These include: working with The Cornucopia Food Pantry, monthly and semester outreach and service projects, internships, organizing community dinners, and leading services in local spiritual communities.
  • Engagement: Waysmeet provides outlets, encouragement, and support to those who engage in the important work of social justice, community organizing, advocacy, activism, and spiritual, social, and emotional development. We accomplish this through partnerships with student organizations, UNH departments and offices, and community organizations. Waysmeet works on issues locally, nationally, and globally. From community dinners, to working with the Committee on Rights and Justice (Immigration and Refugee Issues), Waysmeet provides ways to critically engage with and have a meaningful impact on the world.
  • Exploration: Waysmeet provides a physical, intellectual, and heart space for exploring your own identity, gifts, and potential. It is a place to discover, understand, and celebrate the value and importance of diversity in every aspect of our lives. Waysmeet creates space for exploration through small groups, personal and group guidance and spiritual counseling, classes, and the Waysmeet residential community.
  • Enlightenment: Waysmeet believes in providing encouragement, affirmation, and nourishment to the spiritual, emotional, intellectual, and social gifts and growth of every person. Waysmeet aims to support everyone’s unique process of self-evolution through each of the E’s listed and by providing witness to meaningful events and passages for individuals and for the community, through offering spiritual direction and mentoring, vocational guidance, and providing diverse resources for spiritual development.