
Finding Your Passion ~ Blog Post by Intern Olivia Charron

Life is hard. It is easy to go through the motions of everyday life without actually living: wake up, eat, go to work, come home, and sleep. A combination of isolation due to society’s dependence on technology and the pressure of living in a fast paced world can be taxing. Sometimes, all we need after a long day is a netflix binge session.

The financial, emotional, and physical stress of being a working American in this day and age can be difficult. Many people find themselves stuck in jobs so they can pay their bills. They sacrificed things they once enjoyed to live a life of comfort and monotony. We escape the challenges, expectations, and deadlines through Facebook, social media, and TV. As a society, we are dull.

I recognize this in my daily life. After my classes, meeting, and work is done for the day, I pretty much hangout and watch TV or Netflix. I can stuck in a routine for weeks with no variations. This leaves me bored, uninspired, and lazy.

It is time to wake up! Me, you; everyone! It’s time to start being human again and living to our full potential. Watch an inspirational TED talk. Choose a documentary on Netflix about something that interests you. Get a pinterest and discover your new muse. I promise you, your life becomes more full once you find your passion.

I wake up everyday excited since I’ve learned about my passion for animal rights. Indulging and learning about animal rights has lead me to become the best version of myself. I feel as though I have a purpose in life. I look forward to volunteering with animal shelters and learning as much to help our furry companions. My passion forces me to motivated each and everyday.

Keep yourself challenged and engaged. Work your brain and learn something new. Find out what sparks your interest and follow it. Stay motivated and be true to who you are and what you value. Your life will become so much brighter, I promise.

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